Thursday, 24 July 2008

Update on the Good Life

One of the hens was sitting on 18 eggs. Don't think she could cope with that many so we've moved her to the small ark on her own & have left just 8 eggs for her to sit on. The Jersey Giant is clocking under the hen ark for the 4th time - the last 3 times her eggs have disappeared in spite of her sitting faithfully on them. As there have been no sign of egg shells, I assume that Shadow has got into the pen & eaten them. We're hoping to get a boar soon for Holly to try & get a litter of piglets before Christmas. 6 Black turkeys are on order so we hope to get them in the next week or two. Sweetcorn has reached the roof of the poly tunnel & pumpkins are taking over the rest of the poly tunnel. We're going to plant potatoes tomorrow - we're a couple of months late but it'll be an experiment to see if they still grow. Might try a few in the poly to see what happens. Not sure that I'd like to live the Good Life for real but it's nice to try & imitate it in some small way!

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