Saturday, 28 July 2007


We've been on holiday to the Lake District in England & getting back into blogging has been really difficult - trying to convince myself that doing the ironing is more important than updating my blog. Actually, for the 1st time in months I managed to put the ironing board in it's proper cupboard yesterday. Now that might not sound like a major achievement to anyone but to me it is a great accomplishment. Laundry in our house is usually like Mount Everest but working through 'flylady's' policy of 15 mins at a time it has gotten under control. There are now seats to sit on again. (I like to iron in the living room with everyone under my feet).


Anonymous said...

Hey Dot
I really must check flylady out again!-esp. with no.4 on the way.

Glad you had a good time at the Lake District, the photo's look lovely.

A Bee said...

hi dot, great to catch up with your blog.
re the ironing thing ... i'm a big fan of folding and only iron the sunday dresses and shirts. if there is a very odd wrinkle, they fall out within 20 minutes ;-)