Sunday, 1 July 2007

The Chase

Shadow (our Golden Retriever who doesn't retrieve) has been sizing up the hens since their arrival. She never leaves their pen & the other night, actually pushed the gate open & was lying in with them for a short while. We were surprised that she didn't attack any, though she seemed to be really jittery when we caught her. I decided that she was just interested in them & maybe would even protect them from foxes. How mistaken I was - tonight, just before serving dinner we heard the hens squawking - she had them all out of the pen & was chasing them madly around the garden. Next she zoomed out of the garden, across the fields, with a Light Sussex in her mouth & myself in hot pursuit. Three fields later, she shoved it under some bushes & when I caught up with her, she ran off. It looked dead but on closer inspection was still alive - just. Took it back to the ark & it seems to have a broken wing & is still in shock. Will see tomorrow what we'll do with it. Jo's 'Partridge Pecan', which is a lovely, tiny hen with feathers right down to it's toes is still missing. Hopefully, it'll be roosting in the trees & will turn up tomorrow. Needless to say, we had to leave dinner 'til later & I was late for church - again - having run a mini marathon!

1 comment:

A Bee said...

Poor hens. I have to watch Elijah big time now with ours as he holds onto the tails and watches them flap. Hope Jo's little one turns up.