Wednesday, 6 June 2007


A friend who has a child with learning difficulties wrote this poem & with her permission she has allowed me to post it on my blog. Her & her husband are an inspiration to anyone in the way they care for their little girl with complete, sacrificial love. She, in return, brings them alot of happiness.

Silent Scream
Today I was conceived
my sex, height
and eye colour
already pre determined!
Status: Human being.
By five weeks I have five fingers.
By seven, my own set fingerprints.
Special and unique,
to me!
I am warm and secure and continue to grow.
At sixteen weeks my heart is pumping
thirty litres of blood,
around my body.
I am over a third of the size I will be at birth
and I start to kick my mother.
Today I lie and suck my thumb.
I am unaware of the evil one
waging war
blinding mankind,
causing them to slaughter
their own sons and daughters
out of prejudice, apathy or fear.
Suddenly it comes.
as never felt before,
My body is crushed and broken.
There is no one to hear my silent cry.
Today was the day of my birth.
It was also the day of my death.

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