Friday 18 April 2008

Blogging Your Life Away

It's 5.30am & already I've spent 1 hour on the internet - checking & sending emails. When I wake up early it's often the 1st thing I do. Recently, I decided to spend less time - maybe just checking in two or three times per week. So far, so good. Then this morning I decided to refine 'my favourites list' & came across an old blog which I go into from time to time. What she has to say hit home - even though I spend alot less time blogging & surfing than I used to, it still takes up too much of my time. Time which could be better spent as anyone who visits me will know :-)
I'm not going to stop blogging - I plan to spend some time touring over the next few months & want to document it but I think Cindy's advice is good & sound.

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