Friday 10 August 2007

Book Sale - Opposite Antrim Forum

Yesterday I had a dental appointment which takes me further afield than I would like to go so I usually double up & pay a visit to some favourite haunts. We made our way to Antrim Forum, fed the swans & couldn't help noticing a rather large banner displaying a 'BOOK SALE'. For anyone who knows me well enough this is one temptation that I always succomb to. Davey was driving & assured me that there was no way I was buying any more books. I told him that I hadn't known anything about it & that providence must have brought me to it, to which he replied that providence had brought him with me to keep me away from it. I then reminded him of the fact that he could have married a girl who collects handbags, shoes or jewelry etc & that he was indeed lucky to have one whose vice was to buy books - after all, I've saved him a fortune over the years! Being Davey & not one to often win an argument he gave me his mobile phone with a warning to set the alarm to 10 mins & he dutifully took the kids to the play park across the road. (actually a really good one for future reference). I managed to be quite restrained & only spent £6.75 - I haven't told him that we've run out of book case space & that I presently am harbouring books in boxes awaiting the courage to ask him to build another. Well, afterall - I home educate & the kids need books. Long forgotten is my resolution to only borrow books from the library. I wonder can you get a patch for this disease like you do for smoking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no more space for books too but everyday I have to stop myself from going. Maybe I will give in by Saturday.

Books are far better than clothes, shoes or jewellery any day.